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Train The Trainer


Train your trainers in facilitation

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Use the best facilitation in your training sessions to make them more effective. Our specialists equip your experts with facilitation techniques allowing “learners” to truly onboard new skills. This way, your company will transform faster.

Create new training experiences

Master coordination and facilitation techniques proven by the hundreds of workshops we have run.

At Wild is the Game, we like to pass on our expertise to expert trainers who are specialists in their field, but less skilled in facilitation and transmission. Wild takes you to the next level, both with practical facilitation sheets to download and a two-day workshop during which your trainers will learn design techniques.

You’ll be able to create real training experiences that are much more memorable than a slide: the experience gets under your skin, through your emotions.

Equipping managers and trainers with facilitation techniques helps them to create experiences where their knowledge flows differently than by simply going “top down.” Mobilizing the participants’ intelligence so they can build connections between the knowledge transmitted and the reality of their day-to-day business… that’s what facilitated training does best!

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  • Increase trainers’ impact by making them more engaging
  • Empower learners to quickly apply their knowledge
  • Accelerate the appropriation of new issues


facilitation modules already tested and mastered by our facilitators

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of our training time is dedicated to practical exercises and peer-to-peer work

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key skills reinforced: Analysis, Design, Facilitation

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Discover our other services and formats

Online workshop

Convention Hacking

Cross Fertilizer

Projects on Steroids

High Value Workshop

Maker Power

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