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Convention Hacking


Move forward in your transformation during your conventions

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Sometimes, there are better things to do than a four-hour PowerPoint presentation in the morning and team building in the afternoon. Your conventions for more than 200 participants can be collaborative and productive, but also useful and concrete.

The typical agenda of annual conventions doesn’t allow you to draw on the intelligence in the room. Yet, the main stakeholders are there! In a convention designed by Wild is the Game, attendees and leaders get to be involved rather than sitting back and just waiting for a cocktail.

Collaborative and productive conventions

Our strategy isn’t to rely on the latest digital tool, a trendy inspirational guest, or an expensive communication video, never mind a five-star hotel with a pool.

We build on the participants’ intelligence to achieve concrete objectives. The pace, how the space is laid out, the working methods: everything is designed to help the group achieve its goals.

  1. Forget about boring plenary sessions and Q&A sessions where only 15 people dare to raise their hands.
  2. Connect leaders to employees in structured discussion times.
  3. Give leaders the chance to inspire, but also to be inspired by employees.
  4. Work on strategic topics and solve real problems.
  5. Focus on Peer to Peer Power by organizing cross-fertilization and practice sharing.
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  • Organize a different and effective annual convention
  • Cascade and onboard a new strategy
  • Meet and mingle (without any bullshit)
  • Get inspired and improve together
  • Celebrate a special occasion

80 à 500

participants we can play with.

trait rose

45 minutes

the maximum time a participant will spend in one place.

trait rose

60 secondes

the average time a participant spends thinking about having a cocktail at the end of the day.

trait rose

Discover our other services and formats

Online workshop

High Value Workshop

Cross Fertilizer

Projects on Steroids

Train the trainer

Maker Power

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