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Cross Fertilizer


Cross-Fertilization, a serious game

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You know that your group or community has the potential for cross-fertilization: best practices to share, experts and leaders ready to contribute beyond their area of expertise, no need to start from scratch, and above all, solutions to be found as long as egos are put aside. But it’s not always easy.

Cross Fertilizer is the plug-and-play workshop that lets you do all of this at the same time, with minimal preparation. Through several steps, it brings out the right topics, both in terms of problems to address and solutions to provide. Fun, serious, and efficient, Cross Fertilizer gives leaders the opportunity to exercise their leadership skills in the best conditions.

Cross Fertilizer works just as well for operational staff as it does for top-level leaders.

It perfectly suits a remote workshop.

The course of this ready-to-use collaborative seminar

We decide on the casting of participants with you and, if necessary, on some inputs or key themes to work on. We revisit the steps that make up Cross Fertilizer and adapt certain parameters according to your context and goals. On the big day, we arrive with our equipment and set up the workspace.

Finally, we welcome the participants, we explain what will happen and everyone gets to work. Three hours later, the first results are already there! And what about you during this time? You are given a role and special powers. You’ll be able to influence the work in progress and bring people, behaviors, topics, and ideas to the forefront.

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Some goals of a Cross Fertilizer

  • Create or strengthen a community
  • Develop habits of mutual aid between similar entities
  • Overcome egos to boost collaboration
  • Progress collectively on common issues
  • Reward collaboration


candles for the Cross Fertilizer.

trait rose


best practices shared on average in a group of 40 people in a half day.

trait rose


contexts of use identified and just as many formats.

trait rose

Discover our other services and formats

Online workshop

Convention Hacking

High Value Workshop

Projects on Steroids

Train the trainer

Maker Power

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